AB Testing as an extension of the UX process

The benefits of UX methods for designing or improving interfaces are no longer in doubt today. Taking into account the needs and profile of users is crucial for the success of a project.

Collecting reliable information and data is essential to making good ergonomic decisions. And when several interesting possibilities are competing for an ergonomic or graphic choice, A/B testing can be a valuable aid in making the right decision.

What is AB Testing?

AB testing is a procedure used in marketing that allows you to measure the impact of a change in the version of a variable on achieving an objective (click, validation, filling out a form, etc.). Strictly speaking, an A/B test allows you to test 2 versions of the variable, an A/B/C test » 3 versions, etc.

AB testing is used in the field of digital marketing to test emails, web pages, landing pages, forms, advertising visuals, etc. (source: “definitions-marketing.com”)

Specialized platforms allow you to do AB testing such as Google Optimize, Devatics Or AB Tasty…Most platforms make it easy to set up tests for non-technical profiles.

The graph below shows that 50% of companies personalize their visitors’ experience and that 4 out of 5 marketers consider the personalization of the user experience as essential for making choices in terms of usability or design.

image study test ab

(graph source: https://www.blogdumoderateur.com/barometre-2017-kameleoon/ )

Making the right decisions

The goal of A/B testing is therefore to test possibilities in terms of interface creation. This may concern ergonomic and graphic choices. With a broad user panel and a relevant test duration, the results obtained can allow certain graphic choices to be made.

The verdict of the results providing clear answers, decision cycles can thus be facilitated and the right hypotheses retained.

AB testing is also a good way to learn the specifics of a target audience. Also, the results of an A/B test can sometimes help reduce conflicts between the designer and the client when opinions differ on the solution to a specific problem.

ab testing example

(visual source: https://www.optimizely.com/optimization-glossary/ab-testing/ )

In conclusion

It is not necessary to test every element of an interface. For a campaign to be as efficient as possible, it is preferable to target elements with a strong impression and likely to bring conversions: you need to have the right testing ideas to use this method wisely.

A powerful marketing tool, AB Testing therefore helps support the work of optimizing a digital interface. A complementary tool to UX methodologies, to be used after an interface is put online, allowing you to obtain answers to certain ergonomic and design issues based on data from real users.

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